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As competition is heating up between Egyptian citrus exporters, prices are not increasing

As citrus production in Egypt has increased this season, competition among exporters is heating up. In the first week of December, more exporters offered their citrus programs, among them the grower and exporter GreenWay Co.

The company exports Navel and Valencia oranges, and Fermont, Murcott, and Clementine mandarins. Mr. Ahmed Magdy, explains: "Our first programs are for Navel oranges and are available since December 1 and will last until the end of March. The mandarins will be available until the end of April. We will close the season with Valencia oranges from January to the end of June."

This season in Egypt is characterized by the abundance of small and medium sizes. In the case of GreenWay products, "the 15 kg case of oranges can contain up to 88 fruits, and that of valencia can contain up to 113 fruits, 125 for mandarins" said M. Magdy.

GreenWay exports to Russia, India, UAE, Slovenia, China, Poland, Belgium, France, and the UK. Mr. Magdy concludes, "We have assured our customers that there will be no increase in our prices compared to last season."

For more information:
Ahmed Magdy
GreenWay Co.
Tel: +201286660840
Email: [email protected]