The Peruvian blueberry export campaign, which runs from June to May, has remained positive since 2019/2020. Even during the pandemic shipments continued to rise, exporting 166.943 tons for US$1.022 million, 40% more in volume and 32% more in value than the previous campaign.
Similarly, so far in the 2021/2022 campaign, which is about to end, Peru has shipped 218.823 tons for US$1.307 million, which meant 31% more in volume and 28% more in value. The Peruvian blueberry has reached 39 countries around the world in the recent campaign. However, two of them have been the main ones: the United States and the Netherlands.
During the 2021/2022 campaign, 121.203 tons worth US$715 million were shipped to the United States, this was 35% more in volume and 31% more in value than the previous campaign. This country has been the favorite destination for the last three years, with a participation of 55% (two percentage points more than in the 2020/2021 campaign). Being the largest buyer of the Peruvian berry, the quoted price was US$ 5.90 per kilogram (3% less than last season).