The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) has updated its regional overview for the table grape season, including the intake and exports.
Regional Overview
The Northern Provinces and Orange River started packing mid-season cultivars.
Northern Provinces
The mid-season cultivars currently being packed include Tawny, Midnight Beauty, Arra 29 en Arra 30. The packing volume of the mid-season cultivars is going well. Over the next two weeks producers will pack Red Globe, Sweet Celebration and Sweet Joy.
Orange River
This region's strong pack weeks started last week (week 50). The Blouputs area finished packing Early Sweet, Prime and Flame. The weather is good with Sugraone, Rally en Sugra 13 being packed.
The Olifants river region started packing Flame Seedless under very good weather conditions.
The Berg River region is expected to start packing Prime in the Piketberg area from this week. The Hex River region expect to start packing after Christmas.
Intake up to week 49 and Exports up to week 49 (accumulative)
*(Intake - Produce inspected and passed for export – as per PPECB data)
*(Exports - Produce is seen as Exported once the ship leaves South Africa’s shores - as per AgriHub data)