Fresh Business Expo Ukraine 2015 deemed success
This year the exhibition welcomed official country participations from Greece (Union of Kiwi Producers) and Italy (Italian Trade Agency) furthermore the exhibition was supported by: The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Italian Trade Agency, The office of Agricultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Ukraine, The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and The Embassy of Greece in Ukraine.
The conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine”, organized by Fruit Inform and organised within the framework of Fresh Business Expo, attracted a record high number of 280 delegates. The conference and exhibition attracted leading growers, traders, key supermarket buyers, importers, exporters, processors as well as input and equipment suppliers.
The third day of the conference was dedicated to the successful trade forum in which exporters and growers are given the opportunity to meet face to face with key supermarket buyers. 30 supermarket chains and importers were present at this dedicated trade forum.
Fresh Business Expo 2015 showcased a wide range of products covering the entire chain of Fresh Produce; this made the exhibition the ideal platform to conduct new business and source new products. Fresh Business Expo has once again proven to be the leading trade event for all suppliers within the entire spectrum of the Fresh Produce Industry targeting trade visitors from Ukraine and other CIS Countries.
The coming edition of Fresh Business Expo is scheduled for 29 November – 1 December 2016 and will once again take place at the International Exhibition Centre.
More information can be found on