UK: Tesco & AMT help feed 5 million
Tesco Extra Newmarket collecting food donations from customers last
Thursday and Friday.
Shoppers were extremely generous and more than 60 cases of food were
collected as part of the Neighbourhood Food Collection initiative.
Run by Tesco with partner charities FareShare and The Trussell Trust, the initiative, now in its seventh year, aims to provide at least five million meals to people in need this winter.
AMT Fruit, as part of Tescoʼs drive to reduce food waste, have been working with FareShare on an ongoing basis supplying surplus stock of citrus, grapes and melons to their many charities supported across the UK. This surplus food is combined with the food donated during the Neighbourhood Food Collection and redistributed to charities and community projects who
transform it into nutritious meals for their beneficiaries.
Last year, FareShare redistributed enough food for 16.6 million meals to 2,135 charities and community projects.
For more information:
Jonathan Corbett
The Little Big Voice
Tel: +44 (0) 208 338 0188
Fax: +44 (0) 780 199 0092
Email: [email protected]