The central Queensland crop is looking much better though and Evan expects a good crop.
"Quality so far has been a bit up and down but in general it has been good. Sizes so far have been on the small side with less big avocados available."
Evan explains that more avocados have gone to the domestic market the past couple of seasons due to a change in protocol to their main export market, Thailand. There was suggestion of an substitute protocol using cold dis-infestation but this was turned down by the growers as it affected fruit quality.
He is hopeful that the Thai market will open up again for the Australian growers. SunFresh are also looking to expand into other Asian markets and also increasing volumes of mangoes and limes.
Despite the loss of the Thai market, domestic avocado prices are good mainly due to lowers volumes this season.
SunFresh is grower's cooperation of 170 shareholding members running the length of the country.
For more information:

Sunfresh Marketing Co Op LTD
Tel: +61 7 54788999
Email: [email protected]