"Large apples are dirt cheap"
"It is even a little less than last year about this time," he tells. The last three weeks sales decreased. People at the moment only take what they need, not a large quantity."
Large apples dirt cheap
According to Ludger apple prices are not very good. "The large ones are dirt cheap, but the smaller sizes are slightly more expensive than other years. Supply of those is less this season." Ludger does not expect any market changes in the consumption of apples in Belgium. "Jonagold and Golden are still the favourites here. There are also other varieties, such as Boskoop and Cox Orange, these, as in other years, just go their own way. Also the Kanzi does well, that is a tasty apple, which can be stored for a long period. It all goes gradually. The quality of the apples are very good."
Summer was good
The trader does not expect that sales of apples and pears will increase towards the holidays. "People rather choose soft fruit or exotics. I do not expect a change in price before New Year. Many growers have stopped sorting now as the Polish and Romanian workers in their employment go on holiday. Possibly there may be a small increase in price because of the small supply, but I do not believe this to be of much influence. Sales are also less of course. Looking back at the year I am, in general, reasonably happy about the fruit trade. The summer can even be called good. July, August and September were good months."
For more information:
Ludger Nollet
Nollet Fruit
Tel: 02 245 72 81 / 0496 79 65 59
Fax: 013 44 19 12