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Awe Sum Organics imports Peruvian organic grapes for the holiday season

Awe Sum Organics, the largest importer of organic apples and organic kiwifruit in North America, will have red and green seedless grapes under the tree this holiday. These Peruvian grapes, the first ever to enter the market from Peru, will be available through to the end of January. Awe Sum Organics will also have a supply of Peruvian organic Red Globe grapes, available January through February, with exceptional size, colour and flavour.

“We are very excited to see this Awe Sum project come to fruition,” said David Posner, Awe Sum Organics CEO, who has been cultivating this project since the spring of 2007. “The first commercial harvest is commencing now and is due to arrive starting in late December. The timing of our organic Peruvian grapes, as they enter the market, will be just perfect to complement the domestic organic grape season, which should be wrapped up just before our first arrival of organic grapes,” says David, who recently visited Peru, where he walked the fields and admired the outstanding quality of these grapes. “Our Sugraones have good sized berries and are incredibly sweet, crisp and flavourful.” Awe Sum Organics will have a fair amount of the Sugraones to distribute to their customers this season. “Our Crimson Seedless have a beautiful colour and also great flavour, with a smaller berry size than our Sugraones. Unfortunately there is limited supply of the Crimson Seedless this year, but there is a good supply of Red Globes. As this is our first year of production from these vines, we will have increased volumes of all three varieties next year, and again for the following few years, until the fields reach full production.” Additionally, all of these grapes are Fair for Life certified by IMO Switzerland, which guarantees fair wages, good working conditions and social responsibility at each and every stage of production and throughout the distribution chain.

Since 1985, Awe Sum Organics has been a leader in the organic movement. Throughout our growth, we have remained dedicated to the principles on which Awe Sum Organics was founded. In addition to outstanding taste and quality, our fruit embodies core ethics which we will never compromise. We believe in doing what is right for humankind, and the environment as a whole.

For more information:
Awe Sum Organics
Tel: +1 831-462-2244
Email: [email protected]

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