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PriceSmart implements NASA food safety

KES Science & Technology, a global provider and innovator of postharvest preservation technology, announces that PriceSmart, Inc. has integrated AiroCide, a NASA food safety preventive controls air sanitation technology, in all their warehouse club locations.

PriceSmart Inc is one of the largest operators of membership warehouse clubs in Central America and the Caribbean. PriceSmart is headquartered in San Diego, California and it owns and operates 31 warehouse clubs in 12 countries and one U.S. territory.

"AiroCide has been very beneficial for all our locations. Odors are gone. Products hold up better. We offer our members the best quality available at a fair price. Anything that we can do, any steps that we can take to ensure achieving this goal is worth the investment. We pride ourselves in making sure that all controls are in place so our members continue to enjoy the highest level of quality. AiroCide is now an important part of that process." Philippe Jacquemin, Corporate Produce Buyer

Because hazardous airborne environmental pathogens poses a threat to food safety, AiroCide will enhance risk management programs by destroying airborne mold and bacteria as well as reducing volatile organic compounds (VOC's), like ethylene gas.
AiroCide is manufactured and distributed by KES Science and Technology, Inc.

For more information:
Jimmy Lee
KES Science and Technology, Inc.
Tel: +1 678-488-5847
Email: [email protected]

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