First, the market’s monumental accommodation will need extensive renovation. Some of its dilapidated parts even face demolition. Insiders say the current building is a safety hazard, and something has to happen quickly to safeguard the market’s continued existence. A complete makeover though, is way too expensive. A proposed solution is the ‘C variant’, the construction of a completely new structure of 30,000 square meters on the north side of the current site. Local government has already approved. Size, however, is called into question.
“We think a more modest proposal is in order,” says SPD leader Alexander Reissl. CSU councillor Georg Schlagbauer agrees that "the scheme is colossal."
Estimated costs run into the millions, 195 million Euro according to the aforementioned report. “We don’t think the city should pay for this,” says Reissl. He thinks the traders ought to be involved in meeting the costs.