NNZ was founded on the 22nd of October 1922 by Marinus Gijsbertus Boot as the North Netherlands Sack Trade: a trading house for burlap sacks in
Groningen with international ambitions. On the 26th of October, 2012 NNZ will celebrate its 90th anniversary. In the past ninety years, NNZ Groningen grew to be a multinational company with 180 employees worldwide, which creates
packaging solutions for its customers in the agricultural and industrial market.
One reason for this success is the commitment NNZ shows to its customers.
This important milestone will be marked by donating three boats to Oxfam
Novib in Bangladesh. The boats have been named: Marinus, Will and Wim in honor of
those members of the Boot family that contributed to the success of NNZ. "Our
90th anniversary is a major milestone for NNZ" says Len Boot, CEO of the
company. "We are delighted that our customers recognise the value of our
products and services. The results of this joint effort, including the family, our
employees and partners worldwide, motivates us all to continue down this
road so we can celebrate our 100th anniversary in the year 2022. "
NNZ is a social and market-oriented company with the immediate goal of
creating packaging solutions for its customers through a worldwide packaging
network in the fruit and vegetables sector, as well as in the industrial sector.
NNZ's international network is active in more than 50 countries around the
world, both in procurement and sales as well as in the development of products and
markets. Despite NNZ's international orientation our philosophy remains
unchanged: "Focus on local!" Within this philosophy, the centrally controlled
disciplines create conditions in which the various NNZ locations can function
optimally in the area of sales, logistics, service and direct marketing.