The Secretary General of ASAJA Murcia, Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, explained that, "the fruit and vegetable sector of the region of Murcia needs a global brand capable of delivering the quality and food safety that characterize Murcia's fruits and vegetables."
According to Gálvez Caravaca, "this brand has to count with the whole sector, the food industry organizations of Murcia, and the support of the Administration of Murcia, that can allow it to be strong and convey the great force that our industry has internationally."
In addition, the holder of ASAJA Murcia said, "this brand has to help us continue to internationalize much more fruits and vegetables from Murcia, as well as opening new export markets in the U.S. and Asia, enhancing the Northern European markets, and especially the Russian and Eastern European market."
Source: ASAJA Murcia