80% of Italian pear production at risk due to earthquake damage
The Confederation of Italian Farmers underlines the devastating effects of the earthquake in Emilia on a main section of the Italian agriculture. In the areas of Modena, Ferrara and Reggio Emilia is the main production of Italian pears. The most important varieties are Williams, Abate and Conference, all of them are labelled PGI - Protected Geographical Indication mark. Plus, this area is the first producer of pears in Europe and the third one all over the world after China and the USA.
In this area, which is dry at the moment, peaches and nectarines are cultivated as well as vegetables and arable. Because of drought the Confederation of Italian Farmers suggests that damaged systems must be fixed immediately by means of temporary but fast and efficient actions. In 15 days temperatures might rise so that they can damage seriously fruit and vegetables.
Source: www.agi.it