With the improvement of climatic conditions and their stabilization, a poor campaign in terms of volumes is expected: in fact a 30% production drop is estimated compared to a normal year. There will be lower volume but a greater size.
The harvest is begun a little earlier with the Early and Bigarreaux varieties, but rain prejudiced part of the harvest. The campaign will carry on till about the 10th of July.
On the market there are the following Vignola branded packages:
- 5 kg net cardboard box, divided in two parts with a special card stock;
- 60x40 cardboard plateaux with 500g 10 plastic trays inside, for a total of 5 kg net;
- 1.2-2-2.5 kg cardboard box that enhance further the high quality product;
- 40x30 cardboard plateaux with 500g 6 plastic trays inside, for a total of 3 kg net.
Also the plum campaign shows low production perspectives: Chinese-Japanese varieties will record a 20% production drop, offset by a greater size. As for European varieties a good production is expected, not excessive, with a good size and organoleptic features.
Consorzio della Ciliegia della Susina e della Frutta Tipica di Vignola
(Consortium of Cherry, Plum and typical Vignola Fruit)
Phone/Fax: +39 (0)59 773645