A study that was done in the Atacama region, found that table grape producers can choose Non-Conventional Renewable Energies(NCRE), such as solar photovoltaics, to reduce costs.
This was determined by an analyst who is part of the Territorial Innovation Program (PIT) implemented by CODESSER, "Territorial innovation strategies to improve the competitiveness of table grapes in the region of Atacama, in areas of efficient
production, diversification and differentiation." The initiative received Innovation Funds for Regional Competitiveness (FIC-R) of the Regional Government of the Region of Atacama, which are accompanied in their implementation through the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA) of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The work that was done with 32 companies, aimed to improve the competitiveness of table grape cluster by using the transfer of knowledge, practices and technologies adapted to the conditions of each beneficiary.
The information collected will be used to reduce current levels of energy consumption through the implementation of a energy efficiency program. In addition to the background, the PIT hopes to make proposals to include technologies of power generation from renewable sources used in the Region of Atacama.
In general, the program wants the installation or construction of power generation plants with renewable sources on a small scale, that fall within the new laws that regulate the energy sector or Net Metering. The law allows any person to generate their own power and sell what is left to the Central Interconnected System (SIC).
In the Copiapo area, USD 2,000 can be spend in energy per year, due to the need for water from deep wells, while in the central area, this drops to USD 400 per year because there is surface water.
Therefore and according to the conclusions in the study, in terms of NCRE, it is recommended for table grape producers to use solar photovoltaic, which they can obtain electricity from. There is specific data on panels of different designs,
material and its efficiency regarding radiation and temperature
Equipment is also feasible to use in refrigeration systems, compressors, condensers and fans used in refrigerating fresh fruit for export.
Nuñez said that because irrigation is required for 15 hours or more at certain times of year, you can not expect to only have solar energy, because it would turn out to be expensive and inefficient because it uses batteries. "The optimum solution is to use energy of the interconnected system associated with the generation of electricity with photovoltaic or wind systems," he said.
The Atacama Region exports table grapes, olives and pomegranates. With respect to table grapes in the 2010-2011 season shipments were made of 116,690 tons.
Source: Latercera.com