After chicory tomatoes and strawberries are important products for the cooperative. "Our glasshouse vegetables are less than from other Belgian auction-houses. The tomato season is satisfactory up till now. I have the feeling that the market will improve shortly. Also hard fruit is an important product for us, but this is not as good." He mentions that the previous season was bad, especially because of the EHEC-crisis. "Nevertheless we must now look at it in a positive way. There is no way we can see in advance what will happen."
Increase in supply organic berries
No area expansion has been planned this season. "This year we mainly concentrate on consolidation" Filip stresses. "The organic fruit and vegetable assortment of Coöbra is 7% at the moment. Last year we added blueberries. The area of organic berries is 100 HA and no increase in area is expected, but an increase in supply is. There will be more volume as this is the second year of cultivation. We also have organic soft fruit, raspberries and grape kiwis. Because we expect more volumes this year we have also been able to arrange more with retailers."
Filip Fontaine
Tel: +32 (0)2 481 08 88
Fax: +32 (0)2 481 08 87
[email protected]