Italy: vegetable season during the first months 2012
Alessandro Caraffa. Photo: FreshPlaza
FreshPlaza (FP) - Among the main cultivated areas destined to vegetables there are also Fucino plateau and Lazio region. How important are these zones for the Italian vegetable production?
Alessandro Caraffa (AC) - Fucino plateau has a significant role for some crops such as lettuce, chicory, brassicas, fennel and carrot in summer; thanks to its soil and climatic features and the professionalism of Fucino growers, this area can produce quality and excellent yields.
Mauro Leoni (owner of M.L.46, Fucino-based company), together with Alessandro Caraffa. Photo: FreshPlaza.
On the contrary, in winter, thanks to the export to northern Europe, Pontine Marshes plays a key role for crops such as radish, turnip cabbage, various types of turnip and valerian; in Spring/Summer the watermelon excels.
Northern Lazio is present on the domestic market with winter crops such as brassicas and fennels and in Spring and Summer is active in the melon market, and also in watermelon market with Crimson variety for example.
I believe that Lazio region and Fucino plateau have an important role in Italian vegetable production both in domestic market and abroad.
Eugenio Tiozzo (Ortosole, Pontine Marshes-based company) together with Alessandro Caraffa. Photo: FreshPlaza.
FP - In terms of climate 2012 recorded ups and downs. Which vegetable crops were more directly affected in the your areas?
AC - In Fucino, purely summer production area, bad weather did not affect crops. Damages to some facilities were recorded due to abundant snow in early February.
In Lazio, above all northern Lazio, recorded serious problems for fennel due to below zero temperatures for a few days.
In Pontine Marshes cold was not so strong and no particular damage was recorded. In March 2012, the high temperatures (anomalous for the period) caused some problems in handling crops under cover.
FP - The evolution of sales prices for main vegetable crops has not been particularly brilliant for several months. According to you, why?
AC - In general, consumption reduction on the market and big retail (domestic and abroad) show a negative and decreasing price trend.
FP - Which are now the most pressing demands that producers turn to the market in general and to Enza Zaden in particular for?
AC - The demand of producers is only one: stability. From Enza Zaden they ask for innovative and performing varieties (such as "EAZY LEAF") in order to differentiate themselves on a difficult market such as the current one.
FP - In your opinion, on what could vegetable companies focus for a greater competitiveness and more satisfactory income in the future?
AC - I think it is appropriate for horticultural businesses to join together in order to obtain concentrations of offer and therefore more strength and visibility, as well as increasing in this way the contractual power in negotiations. Unfortunately, a high fragmentation of production creates confusion and internal competitiveness, offering few opportunities both for innovation and for protection against a vegetable market, now become a European market.
Marcello Fioravanti
Enza Zaden Italia Srl
SS 1 Aurelia km 96+710
01016 Tarquinia (VT)
Phone: +39 (0)766 855196
Fax: +39 (0)766 850107
Email: [email protected]