US: 56 million bushels apples in holdings
bushels of fresh apples in domestic storage reflecting a 4% increase over March 1,
2011. Increased Red Delicious holdings accounted for much of the increase, but Granny Smith holdings were also up by over 3% and Gala holdings were up by almost 16%. This is in spite of reported stable apple movement through the North American winter with growers earning per pound prices consistently higher than they earned for the 2010 crop and higher than the average per pound price earned by growers over the last five years.
Source: U.S. Apple Association Market News, Volume 18, Issue 5
Chilean Royal Gala year to date apple arrivals on the east coast, through Week 13, are running 16% below last season over the same period in spite of the strong performance of domestic apples and the high expectations of Chilean growers and their receivers.
Many growers have opted to place a greater volume of Royal Gala into C/A in order to catch a more reliable (retailer-driven) summer market.
Today, Chilean Royal Gala’s are selling mostly in the wholesale markets at US$ 28 – 30 for 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and US$ 26 – 28 for 100’s and 110’s.
Granny Smith arrival volumes are light with 32 767 cases arriving on the east coast
through Week 13. This fruit will move slowly. With west coast domestic inventories
still quite high, retailers will complete their programs with their domestic suppliers
before switching to imports. Wholesalers will dominate the sales of imported Granny
Smith apples until at least the end of April.