Bad news keep coming for farmers from Murcia. Some weeks ago the EU signed an agreement opening the door, almost completely, to agricultural products from Morocco to enter Europe, causing especial concern in the tomato sector. Now there's another threat for the Murcian farming: the Turkish lemon.
For the top quality lemon, at origin, prices dropped in this campaign around 25% due to competition from the Turkish production that, according to the Lemon and Grapefruit Interprofessional (Ailimpo), gets into Europe without any health plan control.
This is the same cry of opposition that is uttered by the tomato sector.Farmers consider the attitude to be discriminatory towards European products, as they are submitted to rigorous health plan controls by the EU, "that make commercialization more expensive and we have to compete at a disadvantage", said Rafael Sánchez, president of Ailimpo.