An increase is also expected in the artichoke production of 18.5% with 196,500 tons, while cauliflower drops 1.4%, down to 150,000 tons.
Regarding the cultivated area, artichoke grows by 6.5%, up to 15,600 hectares and for cauliflower 0.9%, with 6,800 hectares.
On the opposite side, there's a reduction in the garlic area, 3.3% less down to 15,400 hectares; onion "babosa" reduces by 9.4% to 4,200 hectares; grain and medium grain onion reduces 12.7% to 12,000 hectares.
For green broad beans a drop of 2.9% is estimated in the cultivated area, with 8,100 tons, while the production drops 6.9% with 67,900 tons.
As for the production of extra-early potato, an increase of 1.6% is expected yielding up to 73,000 tons, despite a reduction of 1.5% in area, with 3,300 hectares.
For the early potato a rise of 7.1% is expected in the cultivated hectares, with 13,300 tons.
Source: EFE