Argentina: Exported onion amount grows in the first 2 months
The internal market during surpassed by a large number, the amount registered in the last 3 campaigns at the start of the season, the amount commercialized in January was 14,810 tons. FunBaPa will look at the complete statistics of onion commerce in the internal market, to quantify the national interest for the onion of the Patagonian Protected Region.
The program coordinator - agricultural engineer Úrsula Garcái Lorenzana - commented that they are getting ready "to face the strongest moment of the exporting season, between March and April, a team of 29 technicians is ready to work during the campaign". On the other hand, García Lorenzana informed that "51 packages were already inspected in the South of Buenos Aires. In Río Negro, the inspection and certification of the packages is done by Senasa".
Source: Lasuperdigital