In 2011, frozen strawberry exports grew 125.2% up to USD$12.8 million and 80.5% in volume up to 7.7 kMT. The strong export growth was explained by the increased demand from Japan (3498.6% of export volume growth), China (742.1%), Netherlands (250.9%), Belgium (104.6%), Germany (90.2%) and USA (64.4%), it is
note worthy that this last market is the main market square and concentrates 26.4% of the Peruvian supply. Also, market penetration in countries like Puerto Rico, Denmark, UK, Russia and Austria, has also helped to boost exports, although the
offer to those destinations is still small. The prospect of exporting the product is favorable, since the Peruvian frozen strawberry is beginning to position itself in the world market and it has good quality and taste, plus the Peruvian supply less than 2% of global imports of frozen strawberries. It should be noted that only in January 2012 product´s exports grew 48.1% up to USD$1.5 million, which bodes well for 2012´s exports of frozen strawberries.
9 companies participated in the export trade of frozen strawberries, in 2011, of which these stand out: Agroworld (40.0% of shared export value), Mebol (32.3%), Agropackers (13.3%) and Frozen Foods (8.8%), according to alert@economica.