The minister of Agriculture, Miguel Arias Cañete, acknowledge that the new agricultural protocol with Morocco is unbalanced and underlined that the Euro-MPs from the Popular Party maintained an opposition stance in relation to the text.
In that sense, Euro-MPs from this party voted against the ratifying of the Agreement in the Commission for Agriculture in the European Parliament, on 11th July. The note from the Commission of Agriculture recommended the non-ratification of the Agreement.
In the Commission of International Commerce from the 7th April 2011, Popular Euro-MPs criticized also the failure of Morocco to fulfil the requirements of the present Agreement and the seriousness of the consequences to the Spanish sector.
The Commission for International Commerce will also write a note, based on the results of the voting in the European Parliament, next February. Despite all the procedures, there's no binding character on the outcome of that voting.
In the last meeting (two days ago) with the minister of Agriculture the agricultural organizations, cooperatives and FEPEX were present, represented by the interventions of the director José María Pozancos, the president and the manager of Coexphal, Manuel Galdeano and Juan Colomina, respectively.
Source: Fepex