Germany: Saksen-Anhalt: great potato harvest
According to the definitive estimates 49,300 kg of potatoes was harvested per hectare. This clearly trumps the previous record, that of 2007. In 2007, 45.700 kg of potatoes per hectare was harvested.
The potato area in 2011 grew by one tenth compared to 2010. This was despite the area decreasing clearly in the past few years. The past four years the potato area decreased to less than 13 thousand hectares.
In 2011 around 679 thousand tonnes of potatoes was harvested from an area of 13.8 hectares. The total yield was only higher in 1996, 170 thousand tonnes. The multiple year average (2005/2010) was clearly beaten (+25.2%) and the harvest was 19.5% higher than in 2010.