Duel between discounters Lidl and Aldi
The programme Lidl-Check is a combination of consumer service and report. Lidl is judged in four categories: price advantage, stress factor, quality and fairness. This is done in various ways, from price comparisons and tests with customers to laboratory research and investigation among producers in Bangladesh.
The programme Markencheck filmed random Aldi customers, which is entertaining. The way people shop shows aspects of their personality. Bargain hunters were shown, people who stock up in bockworst and Aldi fans who demonstrate their Aldi-bought kitchen appliances. To compare Aldi to Lidl a Lidl store in Bamberg was also filmed for Markencheck. WDR discovered, among other things, that Lidl don't always pay properly. In the textile factories of Bangladesh, that supply Lidl, women worked up to 16 hours for a monthly payment of 30 euros. This is barely enough to live on. For this, Lidl received its only bad score in 'fairness'. But Aldi also received an insufficient mark for this.