CPMA’s 2012 trade show has sold out once again
CPMA’s annual Convention & Trade Show is produced in a cyclical fashion, visiting the same four cities (Montréal, Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver) across Canada every four years. As it takes on a different theme and attracts a variety of participants, the overall sustained development of the show, year after year, continues to be positive.
CPMA’s Trade Show, welcomes a dynamic blend of exhibitors and attendees who are active within the Canadian fruit and vegetable marketplace. The show offers a comfortable and distinctive blend of business, networking, development and educational opportunities and boasts an exceptional exhibitor satisfaction rate.
CPMA is committed to delivering quality exhibitors and attendees, bringing key buyers to the trade show floor where over 26% of total attendance represents retailers, wholesalers and foodservice. CPMA is careful to measure the growth of the show so as to avoid producing an event that is too big and commercial. Instead, the conference values the intimate and friendly environment that they’ve managed to create on the trade show floor for exhibitors and attendees alike.
Lianne Wand
Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Tel: (+1) 613-226-4187 x225
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