US: NASA food safety preventive control
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) enables FDA to better protect public health by strengthening the food safety system. It enables FDA to focus more on preventing food safety problems rather than relying primarily on reacting to problems after they occur.
By spring 2012, FDA will require; a hazard analysis, implement preventive controls and develop a food safety plan to document the monitoring, correction and verification of preventive controls. Preventive Control measures will be broader than current HACCP. Prevention will be a Cornerstone of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. For the first time, FDA will have a legislative mandate to require comprehensive, science-based preventive controls across the food supply that will significantly minimize or prevent potential hazards.
NASA has developed a unique air sanitation technology that will support becoming more compliant with Food Safety preventive controls. Visit this link and give consideration for this video of “The AiroCide Story” as it will detail not only how it works but how it can work for you;
AiroCide is manufactured and distributed by Atlanta, GA based KES Science and Technology, Inc.
Click to view a video
Jimmy Lee
Phone: 678-488-5847
E-mail [email protected]