UK: Fruits and veggies can hydrate better than water
“We used to wonder why this would happen, since we have always encouraged drinking adequate quantities of pure water,” says Tom. “These studies confirmed our observations, and have made fruit and vegetable consumption a prime focus in the TurboCharged program.” As the Griesels note, fruits and vegetables contain hydrating salts, minerals and sugars, so they serve as both a meal and a drink. The Naples study found that they are more effective at hydrating than water or even isotonic sports drinks favored by athletes. “Watermelons are 92% water and 8% sugar, and contain essential salts like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium along with vitamin C, beta carotene and lycopene,” says Tom. “A cucumber is 96% water. Celery is also 96% water and contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc all in a natural and readily absorbable form.” The more similar a fluid is to our body’s composition, say the Griesels, the more readily and effectively it will be absorbed into our cells. This is what makes fruits, vegetables and even raw animal proteins like milk, eggs, fish and even meat so effective and beneficial.