Chiquita softens stance to Canadian oil boycott
But in November, the same Chiquita vice-president wrote a letter to the U.S.-based environmental group ForestEthics, saying the company will avoid “where possible, fuels from tar sands refineries and to adopt a strategy of continuous improvement towards the elimination of those fuels.” The Edmonton-based Alberta Enterprise Group, a business lobby organization, called this month for Canadians to counter-boycott Chiquita. Group spokesman David MacLean said the newest letter, along with messages to other Canadian trade organizations, has satisfied his group that Chiquita has dropped its “anti-oil-sand” stance. “It’s pretty mealy-mouthed. But for us, as a business advocacy organization, it’s good enough, it satisfies our requirement that they do not unfairly target the Canadian oil sands,” MacLean said. Environmental groups have long expressed concerns about the rising greenhouse gas emissions from the oil sands, along with the heavy impacts on water, land and wildlife.