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Egypt set to export 2.3 mln tons of citrus in current marketing season

The Egyptian Agricultural Export Council has plans to export approximately 2.3 million tons of citrus fruits during the ongoing market season of 2023/24. On Monday, the council's citrus committee chairman, Mohamed Khalil, highlighted that this figure reflects a 15 percent increase compared to the 2 million tons exported in the previous market season, according to a statement by the council.

Egypt maintained its position as the world's foremost exporter of citrus fruits during the 2022/23 season for the fifth consecutive year in terms of quantity, while in terms of value, the country secured the third position at about $650 million, he added.

The current citrus export season began ten days earlier than initially planned on 15 December, responding to requests by several companies for an accelerated shipping schedule before the Christmas holidays.

Oranges typically constitute 85 percent of Egypt's total citrus exports each year, while the remaining percentage is divided among other varieties such as tangerines and grapefruit.


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