Agrimola, a company based in Romagna specializing in chestnut cultivation, strengthened its position in southern Italy thanks to a consultancy agreement with the expert Giovanni Santantonio, producer and member of the Monte Santa Croce cooperative based in Roccamonfina (Caserta).
Luca Sassi and Giovanni Santantonio
"I am pleased with this agreement, because I believe Agrimola is the leading company in the chestnut segment, not just on an Italian level. I would like to thank Luca Sassi for trusting me: with him, Agrimola is continuing to grow. We always work hard to obtain the best results in an area which is among the best on both an Italian and European level when it comes to product quality," commented Santantonio.
The Agrimola facility
Up until around ten years ago, the whole of Campania was the leading chestnut producer on the continent, then gall decimated production and now the situation is finally recovering, albeit slowly.
Bird's eye view
"Sassi asked me to consider all of southern Italy, so I will be the Agrimola representative also for other production areas. It's quite the challenge, as the company is growing not only in terms of production, but also when it comes to quality, certifications, organic crops and new markets."
Packaged chestnuts
Production in Campania was low in 2021. "The summer drought and weather during blossoming hindered productivity. However, we managed to harvest excellent produce when it comes to quality. Chestnut groves must be considered orchards rather than 'woods' where to pick what you find. Our local producers are understanding it, this is why the level is improving from all points of view."
For further information:
Agrimola Spa
Via G. Di Vittorio n. 30,
40020 Casalfiumanese (Bologna) ITALY
+39 0542666072
[email protected]