According to the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies' (Odepa) latest fruit bulletin, Chilean fruit exports so far in the 2024-2025 season (September-December) amount to $2.6 billion FOB, i.e. 26.5% more than in the previous season, which was the highest in the last 20 years.
Fresh fruit exports accounted for 67.7% of the value, reaching $1.78 million FOB, i.e. 40.7% or $516 million more than in the previous season. The volume of fresh fruit exports increased by 49%.
Dried and processed fruits
Dried fruits accounted for 11.6% of exports, $306 million FOB. The value increased by 27.6% or $66 million over the same date last season, but the volume decreased by 10%.
Dried fruit accounted for 6.8% of the exported value with $179 million FOB. Frozen fruit accounted for 5.1% of the value, canned fruit for 3.6%, fruit juices for 3.5%, and fruit oils for 1.7%. There was a decrease in all of these categories, except canned fruit, over the value achieved in the same period of the previous season.
Fresh fruit
According to ODEPA's report, by value, the main fresh fruit exported in the first four months of the 2024-2025 season was cherries, with more than one billion dollars FOB, and more than 187 tons.
Cherry exports grew by 75% in value and 158.7% in volume over the same period of the previous season. China was the main destination, with 89% of the volume and 90% of the value.
Surface area and production
According to data from the Odepa-Ciren Fruit Cadastre, Chile devoted approximately 372,576 hectares to fruit production in 2024, with an average annual growth rate of 1.8% for the last 5 years. The main fruit species in 2024 were cherries, walnuts, hazelnuts, and table grapes. Cherry has experienced the biggest growth, percentage-wise and in terms of cumulative area change, growing by 32,295 hectares in the last 5 years and a 13% average annual growth (AGR-5) for the same period.
In contrast, table grapes experienced the greatest decrease in surface area in the last 5 years, losing 14,589 hectares and with an AGR-5 of -7%.
Read the full report here.