The brassica market is rather lively at the moment, as reported by Fellini Patrizio from Gambettola (Forlì-Cesena), a specialist in the sector. "We are marketing considerable volumes, as brassicas have been a favorite with consumers lately. The market is lively also because there are no large quantities available," explains sales manager Andrea Pignato.
Andrea Pignato
"We are handling significant volumes of white cabbage. Grades 6 or 8 are popular, meaning 6 and 8 heads are placed in standard 60x40 crates. The production areas we currently source from are Calabria and Campania."
One of the kale packaging options
One product that has been growing at a double-digit rate every year for the past four years is kale. "Demand is so high that we have decided to produce it directly in greenhouses on our "67" farm. This Romagna production will be ready in 15-20 days' time. The product is available in different formats and packaging: loose, or in small crates of 6 bunches with a band and a weight of 600 grams per bunch, or in packs of 200 grams each. There is no shortage of packaging options."
Greenhouses of black cabbage at "67": the Romagna product will be ready in 15 days' time
Cabbage, which Fellini currently receives from its farmers in Apulia, is also in great demand, as is Romanesco cabbage.
Patrizio and Emile Fellini
The company is however already looking forward to spring and summer. "You won't have anything without a plan," adds Emile Fellini, "so we are making plans for the coming months, even taking into account bad weather. Now we are hoping that our partners will also make plans to avoid surpluses and shortages."
For more information:
FelliniPatrizio S.r.L.
Via G. Pascoli, 875
47035 Gambettola (FC) - Italy
+39 0547 659 777
[email protected]