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LA UNIÓ denounces a wave of orange thefts in the Ribera Alta and in some communities of the Plana Baixa

LA UNIÓ has reported that there's been a series of thefts of oranges during the last few days in the Ribera Alta and in various irrigation communities of the Plana Baixa. To analyze the situation, it requested an urgent meeting of the rural security commission coordinated by the Government Delegation in the Valencian Community, which has not been convened for several years.

The orange stolen in the Ribera Alta is of the Navelina variety, which has achieved a better price this campaign than in the previous one both for the fresh market and for the industry, making it more attractive for the thieves. "There were fewer robberies when it was cheap in the field and for the peelers of the industry, like last year. In this campaign, as prices increased, there have been more robberies," stated Eduard Marti, regional secretary of LA UNIÓ.

The thieves have stolen copper and iron elements in the irrigation communities of Plana Baixa, as the price of these metals has been fully revalued. "The thieves also carry out considerable destruction to commit these robberies, as they break doors and windows to access the facilities. Once inside they take everything they find: tools, motors, generators, batteries, compressors, irrigation pumps and meters, copper cables, covers, etc.," stated David Esteban, regional secretary of LA UNIÓ.

LA UNIÓ insists on the need to increase the budgets allocated to security in rural areas, with the same obligations as the inhabitants of urban areas and also with the same rights. It also proposes strengthening the State Security Forces, particularly the ROCK teams, to increase security in rural areas and combat theft on farms.

LA UNIÓ demands the collaboration of the warehouses that buy products with the State security forces so that they immediately transport any possible merchandise from theft. In addition, it asks the companies in the sector to make a greater effort and collaboration when buying oranges, verifying their origin, and denouncing any person suspected of selling stolen products. It also requests the affected farmers to file a complaint with the Civil Guard so that the investigation can be initiated and the crime recorded in the statistics, which are key to an increase in the police presence in the rural world.

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