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Dutch growers start vlog to share ups and downs

"Rhubarb day trade prices hit rock bottom going into the festive season"

The rhubarb market is quiet as the festive season approaches. "Actually too quiet," begins Rob de Rond of De Rond Agro in the Netherlands. "A couple of years ago, rhubarb sales would pick up nicely toward the end of the year, but currently, those aren't quite where they should be. Day trade prices are genuinely rock bottom."

He partly attributes this to the lesser demand from England and the United States. "The dollar rate is favorable for us, which should help. But it's not. I hear the U.S. has some production and air freight prices are too high," says Rob. It is a trend he has increasingly seen in recent years.

"We used to have to harvest on Boxing Day to meet deliveries. That's unfortunately changed in the last few years. I think consumption has decreased too. People seem to be more conscious and careful of what they buy. Then they quickly prefer cheaper products."

De Rond Agro, which also grows cauliflower, bok choy, and radishes, is expecting demand to rise in the new year. "Prices should improve towards spring. If some customers step in again, it'll become a demand instead of a supply market. Then everything will go far easier," Rob explains.

A 'tour' through the farm
To show shoppers and buyers the ups and downs at a vegetable cultivation company, De Rond Agro has a brand new vlog on its media channels: 'Rondjebijderond'. "We actually started that because my partner's family had so many questions about exactly what we do, how we do them, and what's involved. We noticed this is the case for many consumers, especially those not in the industry."

"That gave us the idea of using a vlog to show how much work goes into cultivation and how we do it. Agriculture and horticulture aren't always in the news for positive reasons. However, when we'd explain the work to visiting family and members of the public, we were met with enthusiasm. That's when we decided to make the vlog to create more awareness and make people in the country proud of local products again. It's easy to reach a wide audience through Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn," continues Rob.

This family does that by, for example, showing how and why compost is used on rhubarb. "These aren't long documentaries, but regular, short videos in which we explain everything. We've already received very positive reactions. Plus, you can show off the beautiful, locally grown product."

They want to eventually take people through the entire year's cycle. "We want to start at least with a few months, but the goal is to show a whole season. Then you can show people, from A to Z, the work throughout the year. Hopefully, people will enjoy that," Rob concludes.

For more information:
Rob de Rond
De Rond Agro
Tel: +31 (0) 165 312 314
Email: [email protected]  