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Lena Leithold-Kühling, Kühling Fruchthandel, on their expanded product range

"Mini CA storage systems provide a natural, controlled atmosphere in existing cold storages"

Sustainable packaging - particularly packaging made of cardboard - is increasingly finding its way into the trade these days. Family-owned company Kühling, based in Emstek in Lower Saxony, has also recognized this trend, and it has expanded its range accordingly with some new solutions, Lena Leithold-Kühling told us.

A total of eight new solutions in the standard 125-250-300 and 500-gram containers will be presented at the upcoming expoSE asparagus and berry fair in Karlsruhe. The corrugated trays are particularly suitable for soft fruits of all kinds and are equipped with a viewing window made of 100% degradable film. "These visually appealing small bowls contribute to the beautiful product presentation. There are also two heart-shaped bowls for special, festive days," Leithold-Kühling explains.

Managing Director Christa Kühling at expoSE 2021.

Agricultural fleece, mulch, and binding solutions
The Kühling family looks back on a long history in the asparagus and berry industry and markets the products on behalf of selected regional growers. The company also acts as a supplier of packaging materials and harvesting accessories, such as agricultural fleeces and films. Leithold-Kühling: "Recently, we have expanded this area extensively. At our booth at expoSE, we will present, among other things, new solutions in the areas of agricultural fleeces, mulch, bio, and perforated films, soil fabric, as well as fastening and binding systems for fruit, wine, and horticulture."

Additionally, Kühling is now also the point of contact for beverage bottlers in various sizes. "The packaging is 100% recyclable, stackable and efficient in storage. Furthermore, a very long shelf life of the contents is achieved," Leithold-Kühling says.

Left: Mini CA storage from Janny MT.
Right: New cardboard trays with biodegradable viewing window

Distribution partnership with Janny MT
Apart from all this, the company is also planning a distribution partnership with Janny MT, a French manufacturer of mini CA storage systems. "We will take over sales for northern and western Germany from 2023 onward. We are viewing these systems as a sensible extension of our range of products, especially for medium-sized companies in the fruit and vegetable sector. This is because the modular solution enables a natural, controlled atmosphere, and it is a flexible storage system in existing, classic cold stores."

Leithold-Kühling adds: "The system not only preserves the freshness of the product, but it also reduces gas loss, and it significantly contributes to the natural CO2-O2 balance."

Visit the company at expoSE 2022: Hall 2 Booth N-01.

For more information:
Lena Leithold-Kühling
Kühling Fruchthandel KG  
Nord-Allee 11 - ecopark
49685 Emstek
Tel.: 04473/92774-19
Fax: 04473/92774-29  
[email protected]