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Spending on organic products increased by 7% in Spain

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food has published the Analysis of the characterization and projection of Spanish organic production in 2020, which documents the intense growth in this sector's production area, its number of operators, and the consumption of organic products in the country.

In 2020, the consumption of organic products in Spain amounted to nearly 2,528 million euro, i.e. 7% more than in the previous year.

That year, the percentage of spending on organic food compared to total food spending in Spain stood at 2.48%, i.e. 10.3% more than in 2019. In 2020, per capita spending a year reached 53.41 euro, 6.10% more than in the previous year.

In the 2015-2020 period, spending on organic products has increased by 67.42%, a number that skyrockets to 154.07% in the 2012-2020 period.

Vegetables lead organic sales
In 2020, spending on organic products of plant origin in the Spanish market accounted for 57% of the organic basket (in 2019 it stood at 55.5%). Fresh fruits accounted for 15.5% of the organic shopping basket and fresh vegetables and potatoes for 13.9%.

According to the study, Spain occupies the ninth position in the world market for organic products by value.

In 2020, sales of organic products to Spanish consumers were led by organized distribution with 54%, specialized trade with 30%, and the rest of channels with 16%.

Organic product exports reached 1,165 million euro, i.e. 17% more than in the previous year; while imports stood at 1,014 million euro, 5.2% less. Thus, the sector had a positive contribution to the Spanish agri-food trade balance, as it did in previous years, except in 2018 and 2019. Exports of organic products increased by 49.74% in the period 2015-2020, and by 91% in the 2012-2020 period. The main organic products exported in 2020 were fresh vegetables and legumes (25% of total exports of plant origin); citrus (19%) and other fruits (11%).

The document indicates that the estimated value of organic production at its origin exceeded 2,600 million euro in 2020, which is 15.75% more than in the previous year. 77.72% of this value corresponds to organic production of plant origin and 22.28% to that of animal origin.



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