As per 1 January 2022, Euro Pool System International B.V. will optimise its legal structure. To that end, the vast majority of the business activities of Euro Pool System International B.V. will be demerged with effect of 1 January 2022 to EPS Europe B.V., a new to be incorporated Dutch private limited company.
EPS Europe B.V. will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Euro Pool System International B.V. The relevant suppliers and customers of Euro Pool System International B.V., whose contract/business relationship will transfer to EPS Europe B.V., have been informed about the change by means of an information letter. Besides this change with effect of 1 January 2022, the contractual and commercial arrangements with these suppliers and customers will continue to apply.
For more information:
Euro Pool System International B.V.
Laan van Vredenoord 8 - NL-2289 DJ Rijswijk
P.O. Box 1887 - NL-2280 DW Rijswijk
T. +31 (0)70 301 41 41
F. +31 (0)70 301 41 99
E. [email protected]