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Agricola Marvic to promote broccoli as new partner of +Brócoli

"We currently export 100% of our production to Europe, but we would love to see that change"

+Brócoli, a Spanish association created to promote broccoli consumption, has a new partner since a few days ago: the Alicante-based company Agrícola Marvic, which is specialized in the production of organic broccoli.

"Aware of the great and much needed work that the association is doing to spread the benefits of broccoli and to promote its consumption, and identifying with its message, we are very proud to become part of +Brócoli as new members," say siblings Carolina and Sergio Marhuenda (photo below). "Broccoli is our main product and, together with them, we want to help further develop the consumption of this magnificent vegetable."

Carolina and Sergio are the second generation of the Marhuenda family. They decided to continue with the project started by their father, José Marhuenda Rives, who founded Agrícola Marvic's parent company, Hortocox S.A.T. No. 9454, in 1992. "Thirty years ago, our father started growing organically because of his love for biodiversity and the rural environment, and he passed this philosophy on to us, which is why all our produce is organic, not just the broccoli and our wide range of brassicas, but also the celery and pumpkins, which we also cultivate," they say.

"It is important to point out that we produce 100% of the vegetables that we sell. We are the growers and we own the farms, and by being in control of the entire production process we can guarantee full traceability, which is a great differentiating factor for our vegetables," they say.

"We want consumers in Spain to also be able to enjoy the benefits of organic food"
The broccoli season started this year in October with some weather-related complications. "October and November were two warm and humid months, which caused some fungal issues, mainly Botrytis. We have continued to have enough supply, but we've dealt with a lot of instability at the beginning of the season, with occasional quality problems in some batches. Nonetheless, we believe that with the arrival of the cold weather, the situation will normalize over the next few days," say the Marhuenda siblings.

"Our produce is currently exported in its entirety to various countries in Europe, but we would love this to change. It is rare for Spanish supermarkets to have a complete range of organic vegetables; and these organic foods that are so healthy and that we produce here tend to leave our borders without Spanish consumers being able to enjoy their benefits," they say.

"We strongly believe that the consumption of organic products in Europe will continue to grow, and that in Spain it will also increase," they say. "For us, organic crops are the best there is, and we would like consumers in Spain to be able to enjoy them too. Two things are needed to achieve this: giving consumers more information, and promoting consumption, which is precisely what +Bróccoli is doing."

For more information:
Agrícola Marvic S.L.U.
Carretera Nacional 340, Km. 31.5
03350 Cox, Alicante, Spain
Tel.: +34 965 361 050