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CPMA 2025 trade show 90 percent sold out

The Canadian Produce Marketing Association 2025 Annual Convention and Trade Show (CPMA 2025 Fresh Week) is 90 percent sold out and the remaining exhibit space is now on sale on a first-come, first-served basis.

CPMA 2025 Fresh Week will take place April 8-10, 2025, at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, in Montreal, Quebec. The upcoming event will feature over 650 booths representing more than 300 companies from around the world including major growers, importers and exporters, and more.

CPMA 2025 Fresh Week will take place April 8-10, 2025 in Montreal, Quebec.

"We are looking forward to reconnecting with industry members once again in Montreal," says Ron Lemaire, CPMA president. "This year's event will be even more special as we will not only provide members with education, networking, and business development opportunities but also celebrate the organization's 100 years of supporting the growth of the produce industry."

In addition to the Trade Show, CPMA 2025 Fresh Week will also include a multitude of concurrent events such as:

  • Speaker sessions featuring industry experts
  • The social evenings offering opportunities to connect with peers
  • An Innovation Zone showcasing companies with innovative products, services, and cutting-edge technology
  • The New Product Showcase program introducing the most innovative products to the market, and more.

CPMA 2025 Fresh Week is 90 percent sold out.

CPMA's Annual Convention and Trade Show is Canada's largest event dedicated to the fresh produce industry. Each year, the event brings together thousands of attendees representing the entire produce supply chain from farm gate to dinner plate.

Further information about exhibit opportunities and the full list of exhibitors can be found on the event's website or by contacting: Heather Urban, Director, membership and market development at +1 (613) 218-3832.

Delegate registration for CPMA 2025 Fresh Week opens in January 2025.

For more information:
Micken Kokonya
Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Tel.: +1 (613) 226-4187 x225
[email protected]

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