As buyers are not showing up, some 40 trucks carrying hundreds of tons of oranges are stuck at the Arubaine border market in the town of Busia. Kenyan traders are generally the major buyers of these oranges, but the falling Kenyan Shilling is affecting demand. Arubaine market has been the main selling center for oranges from the Teso Sub-region, including the districts of Serere, Ngora, and Soroti, among others.
One trader said: "The orange business was booming, but that is no longer the case; I have been forced to throw away several sacks of oranges after they started rotting." The trucks brought in oranges from Teso Sub-region, but they have not been offloaded due to lack of buyers. The majority of Kenyan traders have started driving to Teso Sub-region to buy the oranges directly from the farmers.