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Himachal Pradesh embraces standardized apple packaging

With regard to the packaging of apples, Himachal Pradesh is making the move from telescopic cartons to universal cartons. In adherence to the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Act, the state government has set up a committee to oversee the implementation of universal cartons for apple packing.

Building on the success of selling apples based on weight, the state is now gearing up to adopt a system of selling apples in universal packing, aligning with international grade standards. This transition, a long-standing demand of local apple growers, should enhance their produce’s quality and market competitiveness through a standardized packaging system.

The initiative seeks to eliminate the prevalent practice of overpacking telescopic cartons, often influenced by commission agents. Growers, seeking better prices, have been packing 28 to 30 kg of apples in 20 kg cartons, which yields higher returns but risks including extra apples in the transaction. The transition to universal cartons aims to curb such practices, safeguarding growers from potential financial losses.


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