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Prices for potatoes are expected to decrease in Azerbaijan in the coming days

The autumn harvest in the Jalilabad region has commenced, with over 20,000 tons of potatoes anticipated to flood the local market, influencing a price reduction. Akiif Nasirli, the Chairman of the Center for Liberal Economists, affirmed that the increased supply will inevitably lead to a certain price decline.

Currently, potato prices are 30% lower than last year, and no imminent price hikes are anticipated. In the worst-case scenario, prices may rise in February or March.

Nasirli added that Azerbaijan annually produces around 1.4 million tons of potatoes, with a significant portion exported. Consequently, potato imports may continue into the first quarter of 2024, although this year has shown some stabilization, with prices ranging from 0.32 to 0.38 euros per kilo.


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