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Bad weather in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal leads to reduced output

Potato prices expected to remain high in India until new crop arrives

Adverse weather conditions in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, major potato-producing states in India, have led to a reduced output for the 2023-24 crop year. This decline is attributed to less favorable weather earlier in the year, impacting the yield per acre and overall production. In Uttar Pradesh, the yield decreased to approximately 11.5 tons per acre from 15 tons in the previous year due to cold conditions affecting potato tuber formation.

Similarly, in West Bengal, unseasonal rains during the sowing and harvesting periods have adversely affected the crop. These states, which collectively contribute over 53% to the country's potato production, have experienced a 10% decline in output. The agriculture ministry's first advance estimate indicates a slight decrease in potato production to 58.88 million tons from 60.14 million tons last year. Retail prices have seen a significant rise, with current rates around Rs 22/kg compared to Rs 13/kg a year ago, and a 50% increase in retail prices over the past three months. Cold storage facilities in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have reported lower storage volumes compared to the previous year, indicating tighter supplies.

[ Rs 100 = €1.10 ]


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