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Seasonal sweet cherries: prices and offers in different regions of Russia

With the arrival of May in various regions of Russia, the sweet cherry ripening season begins, and the prices for this delicious fruit vary depending on the place of cultivation and consumer demand.

In Kuban, sweet cherry ripening started earlier, and already in early May, the first fruits appeared. The season is just beginning, with only two offers found at the main market in Krasnodar: priced at 3.5 euros and 8.1 euros per kilogram. Sellers claim that this is a local harvest.

In Novosibirsk, sweet cherries arrived from Central Asia, and their prices are significantly higher than last year. The first batches of this fruit appeared on store shelves in May, but demand for them is not yet so high due to high prices, reaching 17.2 euros per kilogram. Sellers advise consumers to wait with the purchase and expect price reductions after the arrival of new batches.

In the Sverdlovsk region, the first batches of sweet cherries came from Uzbekistan, and their prices range from 8.1 to 11.1 euros per kilogram. As specialists note, quarantine phytosanitary control showed the absence of pests in the batch.

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