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Hailstorm impacts agriculture in north Kashmir and Himachal

On Sunday afternoon, north Kashmir's Tangmarg experienced a sudden change in weather, leading to a hailstorm that caused significant damage to the agricultural sector. The areas most affected include Ferozpora, Chek Ferozpora, Chek Triran, Chandilora, and Wahipora, alongside the neighboring regions of Tambarhama, Kulham, Darhama, Badrakot, Ringwali, Bamma Kohl, and Gogoldar. The storm resulted in extensive damage to fruit orchards, with many orchard owners reporting severe losses. According to, the heavy hailstones left fruit trees in a devastated condition, greatly diminishing the expected yield.

Hailstorm impacts Himachal mango crop
Approximately 15% of the mango crop in the district of Hamirpur was damaged due to a hailstorm. This year, mango producers in the area were anticipating a significant yield following a previous season of low productivity. The cultivation of mango covers over 2,500 hectares, with an annual production exceeding 1,200 tons. In the district, both hybrid and local mango varieties play a crucial role in the livelihoods of farmers.

A local farmer from Bhumpal village in the Nadaun subdivision, observed an exceptional flowering on his mango trees and was expecting a lucrative return. However, he expressed concerns that adverse weather conditions might undermine his expectations. The Meteorological Department has forecasted unfavorable weather conditions for the ensuing days, causing anxiety among mango cultivators in the district.


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