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China opens its doors to fresh cherries from Hungary and Kyrgyzstan

Following the announcement by China's General Administration of Customs (GAC), Hungary has been granted permission to export fresh cherries to China, contingent on meeting specific requirements. This development emerged from a state visit by Chinese leadership to Hungary, resulting in the elevation of bilateral ties and the signing of various cooperation agreements across sectors like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), finance, green development, agriculture, tourism, and culture.

With China experiencing a significant surge in fresh cherry imports, Hungarian cherries are anticipated to gain market presence in China. In 2022, China's cherry imports amounted to 348,100 tons, reflecting a substantial increase and underscoring China's position as the largest cherry market globally, consuming approximately 22.7% of the world's cherry production. Hungary joins a list of around 11 countries and regions, including Chile, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina, that have been approved for cherry export to China.

Apart from this, reported that a working meeting with cherry producers and exporters took place at the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kyrgyzstan. Current issues related to cherry growing, harvesting, sizing, transportation and measures to protect against pests and diseases were discussed at the meeting. In 2024, it is possible to export up to 10,000 tons of fresh cherries from Kyrgyzstan to China.


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