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State of Bahia exported 188,000 tons of fruit in 2023

Bahia, recognized as a leading state in Brazilian fruit exports, holds the second position nationally. The state's performance is notably attributed to the high productivity of irrigated fruit cultivation in the semi-arid Vale do São Francisco region, benefiting from year-round sunlight and the capacity for multiple annual harvests.

Additionally, effective phytosanitary measures and established export infrastructure contribute to its success. In 2023, Bahia was responsible for approximately 20% of the country's exported sector value, with a total of 188,000 tons of fruit exported, generating R$1.3 billion. The state exports a diverse range of fruits, including significant quantities of mangoes, grapes, lemons, limes, and papayas, among others.

Mangoes were the top fresh fruit export from Bahia in 2023, comprising 61% of the total fruit exports by volume, followed by grapes, lemons and limes, and papayas. These four fruits represented 84% of the state's total fruit export volume in the first quarter of the year. The Superintendency of Economic and Social Affairs (SEI) reported that Bahian fruit exports surpassed R$1.5 billion in 2023, marking a 49% increase from the previous year. This growth underscores the significant impact of Bahian fruit cultivation on the national agribusiness landscape.


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