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Mango exports might be in jeopardy

Pakistan faces challenges in meeting international phytosanitary conditions

Recent interceptions of rice exports in Russia have led to warnings of a potential ban on rice imports from Pakistan, highlighting issues within Pakistan's plant quarantine system. The Department of Plant Protection (DPP) has not yet responded to the demands for investigation or action by Rosselkhoznadzor, Russia's National Plant Protection Organization.

Concurrently, Pakistan's mango exports are subjected to rigorous quarantine and food safety inspections by the European Union, Iran, and other countries. Pakistan, a significant producer of mangoes, exports a fraction of its production due to stringent phytosanitary import conditions imposed by various countries, including the necessity for hot water treatment for the EU, Iran, Australia, and Korea, and vapor heat treatment for Japan. The United States allows mango imports from Pakistan exclusively through the Houston port, where irradiation treatment is applied upon arrival.

The DPP, responsible for regulating agricultural commodity imports and exports in compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures, faces challenges in meeting international phytosanitary conditions due to infrastructure limitations and a shortage of qualified personnel. This situation Pakistan's mango exports, particularly as the mango season approaches on May 20, 2024, without the DPP completing the necessary audits of treatment plants, packhouses, and orchards or finalizing pre-clearance arrangements with Korea and Japan.


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