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Turkey’s fresh fruit and vegetable exports reached $211.49 million in April

Ferhat Guruz, President of the Mediterranean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association, announced that $211 million 494 thousand worth of fresh fruits and vegetables were exported from Turkey in April.

In his written statement, Guruz said that there were significant developments in fresh fruit and vegetable exports throughout the country in April. Sharing the information that the sector evaluated 279 thousand 88 tons of products in international markets in April, Guruz stated that tomatoes, peppers and lemons were mostly exported in the said period.

Referring to the data on country basis in foreign sales, Guruz said: "Turkey exported $211 million 494 thousand of fresh fruits and vegetables in April. In the fourth month of the year, the country we exported the most to was Russia with $45 million 64 thousand. This country was followed by Romania in second place with $36 million 524 thousand, and Ukraine in third place with $24 million 955 thousand. During said period, we achieved the most remarkable increases in export volume in the Kuwait, Iraq and Georgia markets. We exported $1 million 333 thousand to Kuwait with an increase of 910%, $19 million 636 thousand to Iraq with an increase of 129%, and $6 million 353 thousand to Georgia with an increase of 113%."


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